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# Keyword Results Change Check Date
8 has the first law of thermodynamics been broken 690 000 0 2014-07-09
10 neanderthal culture 851 000 -7 2014-08-10
10 "unique structure" 983 000 0 2012-06-27
10 nebraska man 94 300 000 -4 2016-04-15
12 science et vie magazine 110 000 14 2012-08-24
12 fiyng reptiles 3 170 000 -1 2014-08-21
13 dna and biology darwin 2 940 000 -7 2014-01-05
15 mammial eyes 4 380 000 7 2014-07-16
17 Darwinism 3 040 000 -2 2013-10-25
19 self replicating rna 144 000 -5 2013-10-24
21 sahelanthropus tchadensis 35 100 2 2015-04-18
21 what family does the coelacanth be 1 120 000 0 2014-07-11
22 why is it necessary for birds to be warm blooded? 281 000 6 2012-07-07
23 left handed coins 8 080 000 17 2014-09-16
24 mutated forms gunman 1 420 000 17 2013-10-31
25 why is the pineal gland vestigial 96 700 -6 2014-07-22
25 why do whales have pelvic bones creation 910 000 -4 2014-01-11
26 piltdown man 91 500 2 2014-10-14
27 Archeaopteryx 679 000 10 2014-08-12
29 macroevolution vs. microevolution 38 300 0 2014-09-29
29 "shape of the skull" race 2 070 000 0 2012-04-22
31 hoimar von ditfurth 3 460 0 2015-02-28
31 homo habilis 215 000 -19 2013-11-15
32 why is the pineal gland vestigial? 272 000 0 2014-05-13
32 why is a pineal gland vestigial 298 000 0 2014-05-18
32 all organelles in plant with dna 2 550 000 0 2014-04-11
32 the part of the eye and the function of each 217 000 000 0 2014-07-17
33 evrim kuramı 93 900 -5 2014-02-27
37 "walk upright" 288 000 0 2012-07-09
37 detskie film 557 000 0 2014-04-15

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