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PIFW.ORG has 14 keywords

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positions above than 3th

# Keyword Results Change Check Date
9 "pic up" for credit card machine 1 900 6 2012-07-10
9 pic up on credit card 6 030 000 41 2014-01-09
11 "pic up" credit card 270 000 5 2012-07-11
19 how can you get the code to lip nurit 3010 57 800 13 2015-03-03
26 how to format nurit 3020 46 900 18 2014-03-08
29 Format Nurit 3020 47 800 20 2014-03-08
39 pay it forward 228 000 000 8 2013-06-29
41 hypercom t7plus settle batch late 4 110 -5 2014-08-15
42 hypercom t7plus settle batch 11 800 0 2014-01-23
44 lipman nurit 3020 manual 8 080 0 2014-04-13
45 Carte Blanche JCB 8 290 000 0 2013-10-19
48 pic up on credit card machine displays 12 300 000 0 2014-06-04

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